Learn to Speak French is excellent software for all those who want learn French language. The peculiarity of this software tool is that even the person who doesn’t have any knowledge in French will find it very easy to learn French. The software is designed in the small format intentionally so that any user can do their work and continue learning French in the background. Most important feature about this software is that there is an agent to read out the word for user which makes users feel as if they are interacting with a person. There are various options available like conversation kit, vocabulary builder, dictionary, and Reader Angel. In conversion kit there are numerous most common conversation and thousands of words of basic vocabulary. Reader Angel is a very interactive feature in which the agent will read out the article for the user. Thus, user can enrich their vocabulary in French. Moreover, users are also allowed to save words with their meaning in dialog manager for future reference. It has got a vast dictionary which has got a huge collection of strange words. It is a must use software for anyone wants to learn French.